October 2023
July 2024
SDG Summit 2023
SDG Lab Workshop Focuses on Manifesting New Sustainability Values
SDG Lab at SDG Summit 2023: "Manifesting New Sustainability Values: From aspirational envisioning to practical policymaking".
On September 16, SDG Lab convened the workshop “Manifesting New Sustainability Values: From aspirational envisioning to practical policymaking” as an official side-event of the 2023 SDG Summit's SDG Action Weekend. Held in partnership with Reos Partners and the Major Group for Children and Youth, the workshop provided an interactive space to envision a world that genuinely reflects the values and priorities of younger generations while also considering the far-reaching consequences of present policies and actions on future generations. Through a dynamic group work format, participants were invited to exchange on both the policies and related actions that would help to serve the values identified and to bring them into fruition. A full summary of the side event, published by the UN Secretariat, is available here.